anamari hrup portfolio
Serija / Series
All Things Grow
Acrylic on canvas, 2017 100x120 cm Featured in New This Week 4-10-2017 Collection on Saatchi Art's homepage
Acrylic on canvas, 2016 190x100
Acrylic on canvas, 2015 Winner of Ex Tempore Piran Major Purchase Prize 2015
Acrylic on canvas, 2015 30x30 cm Sold
Acrylic on canvas, 2015 40x40 cm
Serija je poklon dvema drevesoma magnolije, ki sta do nedavnega krasili sosesko, v kateri slikarka živi in dela. Jeseni 2016 sta bili žal posekani. Drevesi, ki v realnem svetu ne obstajata več, sta vzrok za začetek serije All Things Grow, ki jo je umetnica pričela razvijati v zgodnji pomladi leta 2015.
Gibanje, ki ga gledalec lahko začuti, ko opazuje sliko, je pomemben posrednik čustvenega doživetja, sporočila in preobrazbe vpliva, ki se dogaja med sliko in gledalcem. Umetnica izbira akrilne barve, ki ji zaradi hitrega sušenja omogočajo, da se odreče nadzoru v svojem slikarskem procesu.
The series is homage to two magnolia trees which used to be the first blooming trees in the artist's neighbourhood until recently when they were unfortunately cut down. They were a reason she started All Things Grow Series in early Spring 2015.
The movement the spectator can sense contemplating the painting is important mediator of feelings, message and transformation of the impact exchanged between the painting and the viewer.
The painter has chosen acrylic paint which enables her to paint very fast and let go of control during her painting process.